Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Programs at Metro Bangkok Clinic (By a Gynaecologist)
What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) ?
STDs are diseases that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. These include gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV), syphilis, and HIV. Many of these STDs don't show symptoms for a long time especially in the men. Even without symptoms, they can still be harmful and passed on during sex.
How do STDs spread?
You can get an STD by having vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who has an STD. Anyone who is sexually active can get an STD. You don’t even have to “go all the way” (have anal or vaginal sex) to get an STD. This is because some STDs, like herpes and HPV, are spread by skin-to-skin contact.

How common are STDs?
STDs are common, especially among young people. There are about 20 million new cases of STDs each year in the United States. About half of these infections are in people between the ages of 15 and 24.
Young people are at greater risk of getting an STD for several reasons:
Young women’s bodies are biologically more prone to STDs.
Some young people do not know information about STD, how to prevent or treat them and where to get tested.
Many young people are hesitant to talk openly and honestly with a doctor or their parents about their sex lives.
Not having insurance or transportation can make it more difficult for young people to access STD testing.
Some young people have more than one sex partner.
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) have higher rates of STDs.

10 Most common STDs From CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Trichomoniasis, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

How do I Know if I have an STD?
Many STDs don’t cause any symptoms that you would notice. The only way to know for sure if you have an STD is to get tested. You can get an STD from having sex with someone who has no symptoms. Just like you, that person might not even know he or she has an STD.
Can STDs be treated?
Metro Bangkok Clinic can prescribe medicine to cure the group of STDs for you at the same time, like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Other STDs, like herpes, can’t be cured directly, but you can take medicine to help with the symptoms and improve your immunity to recovery from the disease.
If you are ever treated for an STD, be sure to finish all of your medicine, even if you feel better before you finish it all. And your partner should be tested and treated too (At least for the treatment immediately to avoid getting re-infected). You and your partner should avoid having sex until you’ve both been treated completely to prevent re-infection together. Otherwise, you may continue to pass the STD back and forth. It is possible to get an STD again (after you’ve been treated), if you have sex with someone who has an STD.
What happens if I don’t treat an STD?
Some curable STDs can be dangerous if they aren’t treated. For example, if left untreated, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can have Pelvic inflammatory Disease (PID) make it difficult or even impossible to get pregnant, more risk of ectopic pregnancy and also increase your chances of getting HIV. Some STDs, like HIV, can be fatal if left untreated.

How Can You Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases ?
The only way to guarantee prevention against STDs is abstinence (Not having sex-that impossible actually).
Vaccination (This is safe and effective option for some STDs, such as Hepatitis B and HPV infection).
Reduce number of sex partners.
Mutual Monogamy (Being sexually active with one person who has agreed to be sexually active only with you).
Use Condoms (Correct and consistent use of latex condom - **Natural membrane condoms are not recommended for STD prevention**).
Talk with your partner(s) about STDs and staying safe before having sex.
Test for STD regularly and arm yourself with basic information about STDs.
Getting an STD is not the end!!! Many STDs are curable and all are treatable.
What if my partner or I have an incurable STD?
Some STDs, like herpes and HIV, aren’t curable, but a doctor can prescribe medicine to treat the symptoms for you.
HIV can be treated if detected early and the treatment is started before the immune system is too weak or failure. This is why the testing and early detection is very important.
If you are living with an STD, it’s important to tell your partner before you have sex. Although it may be uncomfortable to talk about your STD, open and honest conversation can help your partner make informed decisions to protect his or her health and both of you can stay longer together.

STDs treatment programs at Metro Bangkok Clinic
At Metro Bangkok Clinic Our Procedures done by Gynaecologist that we specialists in the field of women and Sexually Transmitted Diseases so we can make sure that our patients get better results.
The STDs treatment programs done at Metro Bangkok Clinic we offer special for our patients free pelvic examination that you can know not only STD but also more about your pelvic organs such like uterus, cervix and ovary. (We can also do check up pap-smear at the same time).
The equipments that we used for pelvic examination is single use. (No worried about infection)
We use high standard for laboratory examination (Same as Bangkok Hospital) so you can make sure that the result you can get is faster and reliable.
We have the medicine that can cure most of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases at the same time. that can safe the time for you.
We keep our patients information is confidential and we will arrange the booking for you that no other patients with you at the clinic so you can make sure that nobody know that you come to the clinic.
Metro Bangkok Clinic is in the center of city and more easy to come. So you can come by BTS at Ekamai station exit 1 or by car we have many car parking available after parking at floor 2 can go directly to the clinic. (We have only one branch at Ekamai)
The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes. Not include the consultation time that depend on what you want to know and want you want us to help. After we do pelvic examination already. If you needed we give you the medicine that can cure the disease that you have and also we recommended to treat your partner too.
How to take care after STDs treatment procedures?
Every people can resume their normal activities immediately afterward. No need to take care anything special.
Patient should avoid to have unsafe sex during the treatment period for better result.
For some medicine such as Metronidazole can make you feel dizziness, nausea, vomit especially if you take it with alcohol.
When should come back to follow up or check STDs again ?
Although when do the treatment some of the disease cure already. But if you have new risk such as unsafe sex, new sexual partner etc. It can come back anytimes. So you have to do the STDs treatment programs again.
Anyone who has unsafe sex or shares injection drug equipment should get tested for HIV at least once a year.

STDs Treatment Programs Prices list.
Depend on what you want to do
STDs examination Programs 1 times is 1,000 THB (Look for STD and special free pelvic examination)
STDs laboratory test (Depend on the lab : Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Anti-HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea)
STDs Medicine (For treatment Common STDs disease include injection medicine)
Additional PAP-smear (Conventional or liquid-base)
Additional HPV Genotyping in urine
Additional HPV DNA
Additional Co-Test ( Pap-smear plus HPV DNA)