Thread lift : The results of the facelift without the sacrification
What is Thread lift ?
The thread lift technique is often compared to a non-surgical facelift: It uses absorbable sutures, inserted into the face and sometimes in the neck or other parts of the body that are meant to lift the soft tissues below the epidermis, by a combination of a mechanical pull and small barbs around the thread that are meant to give a tenser, firmer aspect to the tissues it penetrates.

Revolutionary absorbable threads @ Metro Bangkok Clinic
PDO (polydioxanone) Threads are one of the most popular and highly effective non-surgical means to lift & tighten loose, sagging skin tissues as well dissolve small areas of fat on the lower face and body. PDO is a colorless crystalline synthetic biodegradable polymer, specially designed for surgery and which has been used for decades as a suture material in cardiology.
Tissue reaction to thread PDO is insignificant, but soft and new collagen. The high rate of biodegradation of the threads is an important condition for ensuring a soft new collagen, without compromising micro-circulation and vascularisation of the tissue in the area of insertion and without the formation of dense fibrosis, as in the case of large-diameter fibers and threads with a long period of biodegradable fibers (over a year).
In aesthetics, the threads help to lift sagging skin as well as stimulate new collagen, which will act as a scaffolding function for 18-36 months and the procedure can be repeated as needed. Another interesting effect of the threads is their ability to induce lipolysis (fat cell death) which is quite effective in treating facial and body stubborn fat areas as well as inducing collagen and tightening the skin.

Types of threads
There are two basic types of threads. Small threads (Normal, Double, Tornado, Screw) measure a few centimeters that be placed virtually anywhere. The other type is called a “Cogs” (or Barbs) which are approximately 6-12 cm in length and have small hooks on them that grip the skin and allow for pulling the skin against gravity.
The Cogs are inserted in the skin via a blunt cannula (a technique we’ve been performing at Metro Bangkok Clinic with dermal fillers for years) by making a small hole with a normal needle in the skin first.
Both types of threads are made of PDO which is the same material used in normal surgical facelift surgery, however, now we are able to perform the procedure without any incisions, general anesthesia while you’re awake and talking to us comfortably under local anesthetic.
The PDO threads are strong, non-allergenic and fully biodegradable and will dissolve over 6 months but producing enough collagen and tightness to last many years depending on the individual reaction.

Metro Bangkok Clinic offers the best thread lift techniques in Bangkok
Double Lock-Twin Fold Stemsolution
We are the leader in DOUBLE TWIN thread lift, the ultimate novel thread; with synergistic Stem solution for twice lift-up result. With meshed technique, your skin will be tightened and youthful once again.
1. Rejuvenate the skin
2. Reduce wrinkles
3. Tighten up aging skin
4. Correct angular face
5. Eliminate excess fat at both cheeks
4D Absorbable Thread Lift
The 4D thread lift is the advanced TRIPLE MIX PROGRAM thread lift technique, using a combination of three specialized generations of PDO threads, which are Doubled threads, Tornado threads, and Super Barbs threads. With our “Metro Bangkok clinic” unique technique performed by specialists in facial contouring, any problems will be easily solved.
This non-surgical facelift procedure provides solutions for a variety of facial problems, such as sunken cheeks, loosened aging skin, unpleasant facial contour, groovy smile lines and dropped lip angles.
Please set up a free consultation with us to evaluate if this treatment is suitable for you.
Thread lift for a face lift
• Round, Sagging Face – Non-Surgical Face Lift
• Jowls (moderate to severe)
• Nasolabial Folds (moderate to severe)
• Marionette Lines (moderate to severe)
• Increase Collagen (Under Eye Circles, Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds, Skin Furrows)
• Improving Skin Texture (Wrinkles, Pigmentation, Pores, and Laxity)
Threads to tighten the body
• Neck & Cleavage Skin Furrows
• Breast Firming & Shaping
• Stretch Marks
• Stubborn Fat Deposits (Arms, Belly, Love Handles, Buttocks)
• Hands
PDO Threads for facial slimming
PDO (polydioxanone) threads stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. They lift the loose and sagging muscles and tissues of the face improving the overall texture of the skin. It also helps in decreasing the fat production and slimming the jawline, tightening it and giving a more subtle and contoured look. The skin becomes tighter, firmer and thicker as the results of the PDO thread starts to surface.

How should you prepare yourself before thread lift?
You must discontinue any anti-coagulants, anti-platelets or other supplements with such effects (e.g. NSAIDS such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen or Diclofenac; vitamin E, gingko, fish oil or ginseng, and etc.) one week prior to the procedure to avoid bleeding and bruising.
How will the procedure be done?
Initially, our doctor will conduct a consultation session in which we will determine suitability for the non-surgical facelift treatment. The calibers of needles and threads differ from patients to patients; therefore, they will be appropriately selected to solve problems and to meet the satisfaction of each individual.
The area of skin will be numbed using either/both a topical cream or a local, injected an anesthetic and the procedure will take between 30-60 minutes as the threads are inserted using a cannula or micro-needle depending on the individual’s requirements. There are no cuts or incisions required, minimizing any risk of scarring.
An immediate lifting effect can be seen once the threads are inserted. But to see the complete effect of a non-invasive facelift, it takes approximately 2 months as the body starts to generate collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
What are the side effects?
Bruises may occasionally occur but will eventually disappear within 3-7 days.
Patients may experience facial swelling in 1-2 days after treatment and this can be relieved by cold compression.
Tightness or mild electric pain might be felt at the insertion sites. However, these symptoms will vanish within 3 to 5 days.
When you see the results ?
You can see the result immediately right after the treatment with little swelling effect.
Before the full effect at 1-2 month depend on individual reaction and last long up to 1 year.
What are the precautions and cares after thread lift?
Please avoid consumption of alcohols, preserved and spicy foods.
When should come back to follow up or should wait until next treatment ?
Normally for follow up again after 1-2 weeks from last treatment but it depend on the patients and for the next treatment it really up to your concern normally is every 1 year.